My Favorite Video Games
I have loved video games for as long as I could remember. When I arrived to this country I was introduced to videogames by some new friends and then when I recieved my first DS, I was simply overjoyed. My first videogames were Super Mario Bros. form 2006 and also Pokemon White from the Pokemon series. I did not know very much English at the time but as I continued to play the games, I learned the Language and so I have a deep appreciation and felt like I was belonging to the country thanks to the games I played.
One of my favorite
videogames franchise that I have played is Pokemon which is the game the introduced me to
the world of imagimary monsters that I can control to battle with and become a powerful trainer in
the lore of the game. I was able to get introduced to the game with the 5th generation game of the series
being Pokemon White. In the beginning I was not to sure of the game and since it was the 5th generation that
came out, I was not to sure of getting involved with the game but I thoroughly enjoyed playing it so I continued
to play this video game and I fell in love with the gaming life style.
Then another game that really sealed me into
the gaming life and especially platforming game titles which I found myself to be really good at. My mother bought
me the DS Lite with the game New Super Mario Bros. from 2006. When I first started to play the game
I was not very good at all and didn't really catch the mechanics of the game until later when I started getting
getting better with precision and timing. I loved playing the games since the levels were able to test my skill
and never bore me since it was always something new. Also apart from the main plot of the game.
Video games have been part of my life for the longest time and I could never be the person that I am
if it weren't for videogames.I feel as if as if it were not for video games, then I would not have met the friends
I have now and would not have been introduced to competitive gaming as well, which I am in love with now. Gaming
has brought me a lot of fun times and taught me many life lessons, as well as helping me expand my understanding
about certain things in life.