Students in this course learn the essentials of game programming code such as creating objects on the screen, having them move, detecting collisions and keeping score. Game Programming assignments are normally located on the Intranet server inside our classroom. Below is some information about the course. To see games made by students, please check out the student work page.

Program Used for Project
Student Base Game
Student Modded Game
Adobe Flash
Star monsters fly towards you. To win you must kill at least eight star monsters. The base game comes from a series of tutorial videos on made by Todd Perkins. After making the game from the tutorials, students modded the game to include changes to gameplay, different monsters, background music, sounds for mouse clicks, a wallpaper background, etc.


This modded version of the game has a song playing in the background and therefore takes some time to load, probably around 20 seconds.

Adobe Flash
Pong played vertically with one player against ai. The base game comes from a series of tutorial videos on made by Todd Perkins. After making the game from the tutorials, students modded the game to include a wallpaper background, different colored paddles, changes to gameplay, etc.


This modded version of the game gives two advantages to the player whenever the player is losing. See if you can determine the advantages.