My Favorite Movies

movie picture I love movies they are so an enjoyment and idk what i would watch when im bored i always watch movies. Some of My Favorite Movies of all time are all the Avengers movies. Mainly A lot of super hero movies are my favorite and will always remain like that. But also alot of more movies have been catching my eye like comedies, thrillers, and some horror movies. A lot of movies are really funny really intense or actually scary. Avengers: Infinity War, Deadpool 2, Thor: Ragnarok, Spider-Man:Into the Spider-Verse, Venom, Split, Black Panther, Aquaman, basically superhero movies are my favorite type of movies. I use movies as a way to ditract myself and take myself away fromreality because for like 2 hours i can watch a good movie and relax and not focus on other miscellaneous things. So with all thath said movies are very important to me