🐨 My Favorite Animal 🐨

If I were able to pick an animal to be by my side at all times or to just be my bestfriend for life, I would have to chose the animal Quokka (Scientific name: Setonix Brachyurus). This small animal's habitat is in an island right next to Australia, named Rottnest Island. This animal is a sort of combination of a kangaroo and a quirrel which makes it about the size of a domesticated cat. These cute, small animals are actually known to be the happiest animals in the world since their facial structure is made so their jaws are stuck in a sort of smile position. Since they also do not have many predators in their island, they tend to be very friendly with other people who come to the island and actually approach the humans which make for some interesting selfies that tourists love to take. With the popularity that they have gotten due to the tourists, they are no longer in chnace for going extinct which is great for their kind and sharing joy.