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I have not watched many tv shows in the past. Now I am watching many shows as of late. I never was into it before but now I love it. There are many great shows that I have seen. So here are some of my favorite tv shows that I am watching.

Walkingdead picture

First there is the walking dead. I love this show. When I first saw this show I was hooked. It had so much suspense in it. I also like the characters in it.

riverdale picture Then there is Riverdale. It is a show that I could find my self watching it in the morning and looking up and seeing that it is night. It a show that has a lot of suspense and a lot of mystery.

StrangerThings picture Finally there is Stranger Things. I haven't watched the show when it first came out. Then I heard many people talked about how good the show is. I decided to give the show a shot and I'm glad that I did. The show is amazing. It has so much mystery and I like the characters a lot.